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Article: Amalgamations of Companies under the Companies Act

Amalgamations of Companies under the Companies Act Image

Amalgamation is the coming together of two or more companies to form a single unified entity. In simple terms, the combined businesses of two or more existing companies, including all assets and liabilities of such amalgamating companies, are subsumed or transferred by the operation of law into an existing company or a new company formed for such purpose. The shareholders of the existing undertakings thereby become the shareholders of the combined (amalgamated) company. One of the innovative fea

By Krishanth Rajasooriyar
25th March 2020

Corporate & Commercial

Article: The Impact Of Ouster Clauses In Modern Sri Lankan Jurisprudence

The Impact Of Ouster Clauses In Modern Sri Lankan Jurisprudence Image

Ouster clauses are statutory provisions that exclude certain actions and decisions from the jurisdiction of competent courts of law. Such clauses prevent the courts from remedying the injustices that can be caused by executive zeal and pose a great peril towards good governance and the goals of sustainable development. In fact, as O. Sambo and Abdulkadir state1 , "it seeks deny the litigant any judicial assistance in respect of the matter having bearing on sustainable development and good govern

By Krishanth Rajasooriyar
25th March 2020

Litigation & Dispute Resolution