Insights | Ayanthi Abeyawickrama People | Insights


Insight: Towards Fostering A Robust Green Bond Market In Sri Lanka

Towards Fostering A Robust Green Bond Market In Sri Lanka Image

In recent times, the financial markets of the world have witnessed significant growth in Sustainable Bonds, especially in Europe and in Asia. According to data available with the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), Green Bonds accounted for the largest portion of issuances in 2023 (USD 425 billion) followed by Sustainable Bonds (USD 153.8 billion). The major portion of the Sustainable Bonds issued came from Europe (49.9%) followed by Asia (24.2%), North America (9%), and South America (4%).

By Ayanthi Abeyawickrama
21st February 2025

Corporate & Commercial

Insight: “Whistleblowers” - The Enhanced Role Of Auditors Under The Securities Market Law Of Sri Lanka

“Whistleblowers” - The Enhanced Role Of Auditors Under The Securities Market Law Of Sri Lanka Image

The enactment of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka Act, No. 19 of 2021 (SEC Act), has ushered in a new era for the professional auditors of Sri Lanka, auditing market institutions, market intermediaries, and listed public companies. They are now required to act as ‘gate keepers’ and ‘whistleblowers’ to protect shareholders and the investing public from general accounting fraud.

By Ayanthi Abeyawickrama
02nd January 2024

Corporate & Commercial

Insight: A New Corporate Governance Regime for Listed Companies in Sri Lanka

A New Corporate Governance Regime for Listed Companies in Sri Lanka Image

Sweeping changes have been introduced to the Corporate Governance Rules enshrined in the Listing Rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange. This is being done in a bid to qualitatively and quantitatively improve governance of listed companies in the interest of accountability and transparency.

Effective from 01 October 2024, requirements have been introduced for listed companies to establish and maintain policies on Environmental, Social, and Governance Sustainability (ESG).

By Ayanthi Abeyawickrama
10th December 2023

Corporate & Commercial

Article: The Offence Of Market Manipulation: Some Aspects Of The Law And Its Enforcement

The Offence Of Market Manipulation: Some Aspects Of The Law And Its Enforcement Image

Market manipulation involves the unwarranted interference in the operation of demand and supply for securities in a stock market. 

Interference in the market may be achieved where manipulators disseminate misleading or false information about an issuer or its securities or through artificial transactions intended to convey false information regarding the forces of demand and supply for the market or price of securities.

By Ayanthi Abeyawickrama
06th October 2023

Banking & Finance